
I am pleased to welcome you to the fall 2014 edition of Henry Ford College’s CareerFocus magazine.

The College has enjoyed a remarkable year, thanks in large part to the support of our community. With a rededicated focus on student achievement and success, the faculty, staff and students continue to work hard to make this institution one of the best in the state.

With a rededicated focus on student achievement and success, the faculty, staff and students continue to work hard to make this institution one of the best in the state.

Some of the many accomplishments achieved by HFC over this past year include the College’s continuing partnership in the Henry Ford Early College, which ranked in the 99th percentile in the Top-To-Bottom ranking of all high schools in the state; the creation of a new university center and partnership with Siena Heights University, which will provide students increased opportunity to save money and pursue their four-year degree in the comfort of their community; and inclusion on Community College Week’s Top 100 Colleges List, which rates HFC 82nd in the U.S. in number of associate’s degrees conferred upon African Americans, 36th in the country in the number of Education associate’s degrees awarded, and 31st in the number of Nursing associate’s degrees awarded.

Our goals are to enhance educational and training opportunities, and attract a broader range of students. Simply put, we want to live our mission and vision to become a student’s “First Choice. Best Choice” when deciding on which college to attend. HFC is a FutureDriven educational institution that will continue to develop new curriculum in response to industry and community needs. We will be stronger financially and work even harder at supporting new and emerging jobs.

Finally, as we welcome our new students at HFC, I want to thank all of our friends, supporters, faculty and staff for their commitment to this College. I wish you the best this fall season and look forward to seeing you on campus soon!


Stan Jensen, Ph.D.


Henry Ford College